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Driving Directions from Kings Bay



Kings Bay # 1&2  8U,10,12U  (2731 Coyle St).
Take Belt Parkway to Knapp St Exit. Say on Knapp Street one block to Voorhies St (7-11 at the corner). Make a left onto Voorhies Street. Stay on Voorhies St to Coyle St. Make a left onto Coyle Street ball field entrance is in the middle of the block.


Comer 14U  (2571 Coyle St).
Take Belt Parkway to Knapp St Exit. Say on Knapp Street one block to Voorhies St (7-11 at the corner). Make a left onto Voorhies Street. Stay on Voorhies St to Coyle St. Make a right onto Coyle St to Ave Z to ball field.


2213 BRIGHAM ST Between Ave V & W. 

Bay 16th
Take Belt parkway to Bay Parkway. Go north on Bay Parkway to Crospey Ave. Make left onto Crospey Ave to Bay 16th St. Make a left onto to Bay 16th  Street. Follow to end ball field is on your right.

Gerritsen Bch Seniors (12U & 14U) 
From Belt Parkway take Knapp Street exit North. Stay on Knapp St to Allen Ave. Make a right onto Allen Ave. Stay on Allen Ave to Gerritsen Ave. Make a right onto Gerritsen Ave. Take Gerritsen Ave to Florence Ave. Brown Church will be on your right, filed is on your left.

Gerittsen Bch LL  8U, 10U ( Larry Veling Field 2901 Gerritsen Ave)
From Belt Parkway take Knapp Street exit North. Stay on Knapp St to Allen Ave. Make a right onto Allen Ave. Stay on Allen Ave to Gerritsen Ave. Make a right onto Gerritsen Ave. Take Gerritsen Ave past Cyprus Ave.  Ball field will be on your left

21st Ave
Take Belt parkway to Bay Parkway. Go north on Bay Parkway to Crospey Ave. Make left onto Crospey Ave 21st Ave. Make a left onto to 21st Ave. Follow to end ball field is on your left


Marine Park ( MP3 & MP4 )
From Belt Parkway take Knapp Street exit North. Take Knapp St until Ave U. Make a right onto Ave U. Stay on Ave U to Stuart St. Make a left onto Stuart St to Ave t. Ball fields will be on your right. 

Marine Park ( MP5 & MP6)
From Belt Parkway take Knapp Street exit North. Take Knapp St until Ave U. Make a right onto Ave U. Stay on Ave U past Stuart Street. Make first left into parking lot. These are closest to Avenue U Parking lot . 

JT 1 & 2     E. 38TH / AVE U
From Belt Parkway take Knapp Street exit North. Take Knapp St until Ave U. Make a right onto Ave U. Stay on Ave U to Ryder St. Make a right onto Ryder St to Ave V. Take Ave V one block to E.38th Street make a right on to E.38th St the field is on your left. 

Ave U & 60th
From Belt Parkway take Knapp Street exit North. Take Knapp St until Ave U. Make a right onto Ave U. Stay on Ave U to 60th  St. Make a left onto 60th  St. The field is on your left. 


Ave U & 59th
From Belt Parkway take Knapp Street exit North. Take Knapp St until Ave U. Make a L onto Ave U. Stay on Ave U to 58th  St. Make a left onto 58th  St. The field is on your RIGHT.


BBYO 1&3 
From Belt Parkway take Knapp Street exit North. Take Knapp St until Ave U. Make a right onto Ave U. Stay on Ave U to end which is Bergan Ave. Make a right onto Began Ave. Stay on Bergan Ave to your come to the ball fields on your left. 


ST As:  8U, 10U, 12U
5301 20th Ave  - it’s really the address of the public school, PS 121, in front of the field. The field entrance is on the side of the school on 20th Ave 

Ft Tilden
Belt Parkway east to exit 11s . (Flatbush Ave - Rockaways.).  Take marine parkway bridge. Stay in right lane off bridge to Fort Tilden. At 1st light make a left into Fort Tilden. Go straight until the end and make a right . Go approx 1/8 to1/4 mile where you see baseball fields and clubhouse on your right. Parking is directly across from the baseball field on your left. 


ROXBURY Beach 181st St.
Belt Parkway east to exit 11s . (Flatbush Ave - Rockaways.).  Take Marine Parkway bridge. Stay in right lane off bridge towards Brezzy Point. At 2nd light , Beach 181st St make a right into Roxbury. 

Breezy Pt  210 St.
Cross Marine Park Bridge (Flatbush Ave South) and bear right to Breezy Point. Go past 182nd Street stay in right hand lane and before entering Breezy Coop, stop at security booth. You will be given a token by security. Tell them your team name and that you are going to the baseball field for a game. Continue on main road and make left at 210 street. Then turn right at stop sign to the ball field. 


From Belt Parkway take Flatbush Ave North. Take Flatbush until Ave U. Make a right onto Ave U. Stay on Ave U to Mill Ave. Make a right onto Mill Ave to Strickland Ave. Right turn  onto  Strickland Ave. Stay on Strickland Ave  to your come to the ball fields on your left.

Belt Parkway get off at the Pennsylvania Ave exit. Take Pennsylvania Ave to Flatlands Ave  make a left on Flatlands . Take Flatlands for about 5 blocks to Louisiana . The first field on the right  is LS1 and after that is LS2 .


854 65TH Street Brooklyn NY. 
65th Steeet between 8th and 9th Avenues.

Gill Hodges 1& 2 -   2815 Shell Rd
Belt Parkway get off at the Ocean Parkway exit. Go straight off the exit thru traffic light at the 2nd traffic light (Shell Road) make a right the fields are on your left.

South Shore (South Shore HS )6565 Flatlands Ave
Belt Parkway to Flatbush Ave North. Take Flatbush Ave to Utica Ave. Right onto Utica Ave. Take Utica Ave to Flatlands Ave. Right turn onto Flatlands Ave to Ralph Ave Left onto Ralph Ave the ball field is on your right.


St Anselm’s Field
76th & Fort Hamliton Parkway

147th Ave Rosedale
Field Location 232-16 147th avenue Rosedale, NY 11413


670 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn


2670 Coyle Street

Brooklyn, New York 11235

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